We support & enrich aging through community building & advocacy.
Arbor West Neighbors - AWN - is a non-profit organization in Oak Park, River Forest and Forest Park building a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multi-generational community where all older adults are valued, age with dignity, and enjoy opportunities for growth and engagement.
We welcome you to earn your Civics service credit by doing something with us. Below are ideas on activities you might like to do, depending on your interests and talents. Click here for more information about working with us and what you might do. If you would like to learn more, contact Gil Herman, AWN's Student Volunteer Coordinator. Text or call him at 708-207-1879 or email him at Gil@ManagingHorizons.com.
Arbor West Neighbors
Arbor West Neighbors (AWN) is a grassroots organization of neighbors in Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and Austin connected to support and enrich aging through community building and advocacy. Our mission is to empower adults to thrive as we age in community.
Our vision is to build a multi-ethnic, multicultural community where all older adults are valued, age with dignity, and enjoy opportunities for growth and engagement.
We are an all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization with over 120 members.